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You represent an international active company, which is interested in the Central European market? Where 100 million customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are speaking German language. Then advertising in "Asien Kurier" is an excellent way to introduce Your products and services to Your potential customes in Europe.
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What is "Asien Kurier" ?
It is the leading German language PDF-magazine, published monthly since July 2007, with its fulltext/photos/graphics website www.asienkurier.com.
Why is "Asien Kurier" a PDF-magazine and how it reaches its readership?
Our valued advertiser - probably You - are enjoying ad-rates, which are much less below those of printed competitors. "Asien Kurier" is a lean product. It is produced without paying for printing, distribution and does not need a large office-crew. It is send out as email-attachment to all its readers in Europe and Asia. Additionally is can be freely downloaded from its German website pdf.asienkurier.com.
Who are the readers of "Asien Kurier" ?
Your ads in "Asien Kurier"-PDF-magazine reaches some 9,500 German language speaking decision-makers in economy, politics and science (monthly 7,300 PDF-magazine as email-attachment and 2,200 downloads from its website). Each one-third of them are living in Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and in Greater China. Finally, the last third of the magazine's distribution is delivered to readers in other European and Asian countries.
How about banner-ads at "www.asienkurier.com" ?
Could you please find here statistics on visitors of the website. Presently all places at this website are filled up with ads from affiliate-programs. However you can get always a banner placed at your favourable position. We simply change the current website for you.
Please send us an email ([email protected]) and we will get back to you at once.
How to contact "Asien Kurier" ?
We are glad to answer your call or email.
What "Asien Kurier" offers to You